E-Surveillance & Command Center

Live video surveillance can eliminate supply chain disruptions in warehouses, factories, manufacturing plants, etc. With e-surveillance monitoring, operators can anticipate and get rid of many roadblocks even before they occur.You no longer need to worry about intrusions or theft, and employees will be less likely to worry about harassment and any other issues that may occur at the workplace as the surveillance system will capture everything.

CCTV & Access Control

The purpose of access control is to prevent intruders from entering a building or specific rooms. Meanwhile, CCTV offers around the clock surveillance to visually identify security threats. It's not hard to imagine how the two can converge to offer a better level of security.An integrated access control and CCTV setup can be configured in a number of ways. One option is for the CCTV setup to record the entrance whenever employees use their proximity cards. Using video analytics, the camera system can determine whether the person using the card is actually the person authorized to use it.
Electronic Security Solutions: • CCTV, Access control
• Thermal Camera
• Facial Recognition
• Home Automation
• Building Management System

Site level operation automation

Service operation ensures an efficient delivery of services without unplanned interruptions. Services are operated according to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) setting criteria for service availability and quality. Successful service operation requires seamless collaboration across teams and service provider ecosystem. Service providers, external and internal, are responsible for professional delivery of their services. They are also responsible for managing the service delivery in such a way that all their services form an integrated entity. Service operation activities are managed by dedicated line organisation or by the multi-expertise development and operations team.

Operation delivery

Security operations, also known as SecOps, refers to a business combining internal information security and IT operations practices to improve collaboration and reduce risks.The function of the security operations center (SOC) is to monitor, prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats around the clock.

Attendance capturing automation

An automatic attendance system is an educational ERP system that records the students' attendance in an institution. Unlike the conventional attendance system, the automatic attendance software enables the faculty to record, store, and monitor students' attendance history & manage the classroom efficiently.An automated attendance system that consists of a web system for entire organization to record attendance. Each Class room or department has its own login. On login the class faculty can see a list of students or members registered under it.